Hello Beautiful Human,
Something that has been on my mind this week is how, as humans, we often become too attached.
While attachment can sometimes be a good thing, it can be incredibly damaging on a larger scale.
We hold on so tightly to what is in front of us—jobs, businesses, friendships, relationships—that we fail to release space for what’s to come. Times and seasons change, yet we remain stuck in the same place, clinging to the same situation, the same thing, or the same person. In doing so, we miss the opportunities that times and seasons bring—something, or someone, so much better.
There’s a scripture that says, “The glory of the latter shall be greater than the former.”
However, there’s also a balance in knowing when to hold on—not because we feel dreadfully obligated, but because, “I would rather be here than anywhere else. My mind, spirit, and heart are at peace being here.” There’s beauty in holding on to what has come to stay when it feels easy, effortless, aligned, and harmonious. When it’s joyful. Even the work involved doesn’t feel burdensome; instead, it’s the kind of work that says, “I’m happy doing this.”
But we’ve been conditioned to believe that everything worthwhile must be incredibly difficult.
What if it’s hard not because it’s meant to be, but because no one stopped to investigate? What if we could look deeper, uncover the root cause of the difficulty, and create simpler, better ways forward? Too often, we jump to unexamined conclusions and rely on coping mechanisms to get by when, in truth, we could have done things differently.
Give yourself the gift of reframing—a psychological technique that involves looking at a situation or thought from a different perspective.
Ask yourself,
“Why do I feel this way”
“What is this feeling try to tell me”
“What if I’ve had this all wrong?”
Perhaps those who told you it’s supposed to be hard were wrong, or maybe they didn’t do the work necessary to make it easier.
Reflect instead: “How can I make this easier? Who has it easy, and how are they doing it?”
One thing I deeply love about myself is this: “I always surround myself with a cloud of witnesses—a community of people who are thriving with ease in the areas I want to succeed, so my mind is bombarded with the possibility of it. I constantly stay in the awareness and vibration that life can, in fact, be easy.”
I recently told a dear friend a hard truth: “The difference between you and me when it comes to getting what we deeply desire is this—I am willing to go to the ends of the earth to figure out how to make life work for me.”
When you refuse to explore ease and remain stuck in limiting beliefs, you rob yourself of a lifetime of peace, joy, and fulfillment.
There’s something called the law of polarity, which teaches that everything has its opposite:
Happiness is the opposite of sadness i.e. what is this sadness trying to show me?
Fulfillment is the opposite of emptiness i.e. what is this emptiness trying to show me?
Peace is the opposite of anxiousness i.e. what is this anxiousness trying to show me?
By shifting your perspective and exploring the other side of difficulty, you allow yourself the opportunity to embrace ease, joy, and alignment.
Opposites exist to guide us toward the other end of the spectrum. Instead of sitting with negative emotions and simply accepting them, what if you reframed your perspective?
For example, when I feel anxious or sad, I allow myself to sit with those feelings for a moment. I take the time to explore why I feel that way, what I would rather feel, and what that would look like. Then, I begin to mentally, emotionally, and physically shift my mind toward those desired feelings.
I have a teacher who taught me meditation during a season of intense discomfort, anger, and anxiety two years ago. His 10-minute teachings have been a part of my mornings ever since. Recently, I discovered that he has ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and Bipolar Disorder.
This revelation was fascinating to me. Here is a man who taught me how to calm my racing heart and navigate negative emotions—a man who, by his very diagnosis, experiences a lifetime of racing thoughts, destructive emotions, and physical manifestations in the form of a chaotic past as a result of those struggles. Yet, instead of accepting his condition as an inevitable “cross to bear,” he went to the ends of the earth to find solutions. He found the opposite of his constant struggles and created a life of beauty, stillness, and centeredness.
Now, he is a teacher helping others rise above their own negative emotions, guiding them toward calm, peace, and ease. For me, he became a living emblem of possibility—the most beautiful example of what is possible, even in the face of lifelong challenges.
Similarly, my life coach was diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age—a learning difficulty that affects reading and spelling. Yet, she went on to become the best-graduating student in her class, a maritime and aviation lawyer, a two-time Golden Quill Award winner with the National Academy of Bestselling Authors in Hollywood, and someone with multiple degrees and remarkable achievements.
And then there’s me. I have no confirmed diagnoses, but I know everything is stacked against me living a less-than-fulfilling life. And that—that—is my North Star. The challenges stacked against me are the very opposites pointing me toward the life I deeply desire, the life I know is possible.
Up until two years ago, I dreaded waking up. I carried such heaviness inside me—a constant tugging at my heart, questioning, pleading for help, safety, and release. Instead of facing it, I would numb it by grabbing my laptop and burying myself in work.
This past week, I woke up at midnight and couldn’t go back to sleep. My mind had something to share with me. Every thought that bubbled to the surface filled me with happiness, snorting laughter, and peace—such beautiful peace that made my soul light and joyful. In that moment, I smiled and said to myself, “Thank you, Temitope.”
Now, I wake up happy, smiling, and filled with gratitude. I am no longer weighed down by the dissonance, unfulfillment, and chaos that once clogged my mind and my life.
Dear Human,
Opposites are often pointing you to your North Star.
The life you dream of is possible—if you give yourself the courage and bravery to seek what lies on the opposite side of your current reality.
My heart knows peace.
My heart knows joy.
My heart knows fulfillment.
Every human should feel this.
To your Growth,
Temitope Saliu